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Embrace a heart-centred ethos rooted in ‘quality of life’.

Discover an evolving cycle of care as pure and simple as nature.

Dine on organic delights from our biodynamic farm.

Support relationships with local suppliers and craftspeople.

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword here at Casa Lavanda, it’s a way of life.

Building from scratch using low carbon wood and local limestone allowed us to put care and conscience first from the outset.

We reuse waste where possible: oil is recycled into biodiesel; rain water is directed to our pond and natural irrigation channels in the forest; organic waste is turned into compost; kitchen leftovers feed our chickens who provide delicious eggs in return.

We clean outside areas using brooms to avoid unnecessary use of water and electricity, only use glass bottles as part of our wider pledge to reduce single-use plastic, and use renewable energy to heat all of the property’s main areas.

We work closely with our community: sourcing produce from nearby suppliers; sharing heritage seeds with farmers, and employing local craftspeople to make our furniture.

With over 80% of the produce used in our restaurant grown onsite – without chemicals or pesticides – our commitment to sustainability not only does good but tastes good too.